Zoom Multicultural Festival Link: https://bit.ly/svmcfest2021
or watch it on Facebook Live! https://www.facebook.com/SVCAC3050
The Simi Valley Youth Council and Cultural Arts Center are excited to announce a multicultural festival and celebration to recognize the diverse backgrounds that make up the community. The virtual festival will run online in April and May of 2021 and will feature cultural music, dance and movement performances; culinary demonstrations; a fashion show; and, an art exhibit. The event will culminate on May 21, 2021, with an intergenerational storytelling session where participants will share their unique cultural experience.
“I encourage everyone, no matter your background, to participate in the multicultural festival events hosted by the Youth Council and Cultural Arts Center”, stated the Multicultural Festival Chair Ashlyn Ro. “Living in a vibrant community where there are so many people from different backgrounds, we believe that it is important to celebrate cultural diversity and inclusivity by uplifting and supporting all individuals. Together, we will continue to build a strong community that celebrates diversity in Simi Valley!”
This event is funded in part through a California Arts Council Local Impact Grant awarded to the Cultural Arts Center. More information on the event and its program will be available shortly on the Simi Valley Virtual Arts Center website, www.svvac.org and on the Youth Council Instagram, @simivalleyyouthcouncil. Please contact Kristin Tignac, Community Services Coordinator, at (805) 583-6766 with any questions.
Cultural Cuisine

Tune in on April 24, 2021 to watch international cooking demos from local Simi Valley residents. Also, learn about where you might find some of the ingredients here in town. Whether you prefer sweet or savory, there is something for everyone!
Showcase Premieres April 24, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
Cultural Couture

Learn about cultural attire from around the world. This video features showcases and descriptions of attire from China, Ghana, India, Korea, and Mexico. Participating organizations include Danza Azteca Nezaualpilli; Ballet Forklorico Cielito LIndo de Simi Valley, Simi Valley India Community Center, and the Ventura County Chinese American Association. Premiered April 17, 2021.
Anthropological Art
Origin Stories

May 21, 2021 at 7 pm
Interview one of your elders or a friend in the community about their "story" - where their ancestors came from, favorite family traditions, where they were born, favorite food of their culture, and other fun facts that make up who they are! Everyone has a unique story to tell!
Here are some sample questions to help create your Origin Story interview videos
What is your cultural heritage or heritages?
Where were you born? If not in United States, when did you come to the US? Describe that experience or tell us what you know about a member of your family that was the first generation to move here and their story?
Can you retell a favorite memory of growing up relating to your cultural traditions?
Have you ever encountered a negative experience, like racism or discrimination, because of your background? How did you get through the situation and do you have any recommendations for others who may endure similar experiences?
Many people refer to the U.S. as a melting pot filled with people of many cultures and backgrounds. What do you feel is the best thing about living in a country with such diversity?
What are some favorite cultural traditions that your family does?
What is a favorite cultural food or meal that you like to make or eat?
Which traditions do you hope to pass down to your children and grandchildren?
What words of wisdom would you want to tell future generations?
The Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center would like to thank our sponsors and partners for their support in making the Multicultural Festival possible.

This program is funded in part from a Local
Impact Grant from the California Arts Council